Pablo Neruda -Oda a las cosas- |
lunes, 21 de marzo de 2005 |
Oda a las cosas
Amo las cosas loca, locamente. Me gustan las tenazas, las tijeras, adoro las tazas, las argollas, las soperas, sin hablar, por supuesto, del sombrero. Amo todas las cosas, no sólo las supremas, sino las infinitamente chicas, el dedal, las espuelas, los platos, los floreros. Ay, alma mía, hermoso es el planeta, lleno de pipas por la mano conducidas en el humo, de llaves, de saleros, en fin, todo lo que se hizo por la mano del hombre, toda cosa: las curvas del zapato, el tejido, el nuevo nacimiento del oro sin la sangre, los anteojos, los clavos, las escobas, los relojes, las brújulas, las monedas, la suave suavidad de las sillas. Ay cuántas cosas puras ha construido el hombre: de lana, de madera, de cristal, de cordeles, mesas maravillosas, navíos, escaleras. Amo todas las cosas, no porque sean ardientes o fragantes, sino porque no sé, porque este océano es el tuyo, es el mío: los botones, las ruedas, los pequeños tesoros olvidados, los abanicos en cuyos plumajes desvaneció el amor sus azahares, las copas, los cuchillos, las tijeras, todo tiene en el mango, en el contorno, la huella de unos dedos, de una remota mano perdida en lo más olvidado del olvido. Yo voy por casas, calles, ascensores, tocando cosas, divisando objetos que en secreto ambiciono: uno porque repica, otro porque es tan suave como la suavidad de una cadera, otro por su color de agua profunda, otro por su espesor de terciopelo. Oh río irrevocable de las cosas, no se dirá que sólo amé los peces, o las plantas de selva y de pradera, que no sólo amé lo que salta, sube, sobrevive, suspira. No es verdad: muchas cosas me lo dijeron todo. No sólo me tocaron o las tocó mi mano, sino que acompañaron de tal modo mi existencia que conmigo existieron y fueron para mí tan existentes que vivieron conmigo media vida y morirán conmigo media muerte.
Ode to things
I have a crazy, crazy love of things. I like pliers, and scissors. I love cups, rings, and bowls – not to speak, or course, of hats. I love all things, not just the grandest, also the infinite- ly small – thimbles, spurs, plates, and flower vases.
Oh yes, the planet is sublime! It’s full of pipes weaving hand-held through tobacco smoke, and keys and salt shakers – everything, I mean, that is made by the hand of man, every little thing: shapely shoes, and fabric, and each new bloodless birth of gold, eyeglasses carpenter’s nails, brushes, clocks, compasses, coins, and the so-soft softness of chairs.
Mankind has built oh so many perfect things! Built them of wool and of wood, of glass and of rope: remarkable tables, ships, and stairways.
I love all things, not because they are passionate or sweet-smelling but because, I don’t know, because this ocean is yours, and mine; these buttons and wheels and little forgotten treasures, fans upon whose feathers love has scattered its blossoms, glasses, knives and scissors – all bear the trace of someone’s fingers on their handle or surface, the trace of a distant hand lost in the depths of forgetfulness.
I pause in houses, streets and elevators touching things, identifying objects that I secretly covet; this one because it rings, that one because it’s as soft as the softness of a woman’s hip, that one there for its deep-sea color, and that one for its velvet feel.
O irrevocable river of things: no one can say that I loved only fish, or the plants of the jungle and the field, that I loved only those things that leap and climb, desire, and survive. It’s not true: many things conspired to tell me the whole story. Not only did they touch me, or my hand touched them: they were so close that they were a part of my being, they were so alive with me that they lived half my life and will die half my death.Etiquetas: Pablo Neruda |
posted by Bishop @ 21:55  |
Ode to things
I love things with a wild passion, extravagantly. I cherish tongs, and scissors; I adore cups, hoops, soup tureens, not to mention of course — the hat. I love all things, not only the grand, but also the infinite- ly small: the thimble, spurs, dishes, vases.
Oh, my soul, the planet is radiant, teeming with of pipes in hand, conductors of smoke; with keys, salt shakers and well, things crafted by the human hand, everything — the curves of a shoe, fabric, the new bloodless birth of gold, the eyeglasses, nails, brooms, watches, compasses, coins, the silken plushness of chairs.
Oh humans have constructed a multitude of pure things: objects of wood, crystal cord, wondrous tables, ships, staircases.
I love all things, not because they might be warm or fragrant, but rather because — I don't know why, because this ocean is yours, and mine: the buttons, the wheels, the little forgotten treasures, the fans of feathery love spreading orange blossoms, the cups, the knives, the shears, everything rests in the handle, the contour, the traces of fingers, of a remote hand lost in the most forgotten regions of the ordinary obscured.
I pass through houses, streets, elevators, touching things; I glimpse objects and secretly desire something because it chimes, and something else because because it is as yielding as gentle hips, something else I adore for its deepwater hue, something else for its velvety depths.
Oh irrevocable river of things. People will not say that I only loved fish or plants of the rainforest or meadow, that I only loved things that leap, rise, sigh and survive. It is not true: many things gave me completeness. They did not only touch me My hand did not merely touch them, but rather, they befriended my existence in such a way that with me, they indeed existed, and they were for me so full of life, that they lived with me half-alive, and they will die with me half-dead.
Translated by Maria Jacketti
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Ode to things
I love things with a wild passion,
I cherish tongs,
and scissors;
I adore
soup tureens,
not to mention
of course — the hat.
I love
all things,
not only the
but also
the infinite-
the thimble,
Oh, my soul,
the planet
is radiant,
teeming with
of pipes
in hand,
of smoke;
with keys,
salt shakers and
things crafted
by the human hand, everything —
the curves of a shoe,
the new bloodless
of gold,
the eyeglasses,
watches, compasses,
coins, the silken
plushness of chairs.
have constructed
a multitude of pure things:
objects of wood,
ships, staircases.
I love
not because they
might be warm
or fragrant,
but rather because —
I don't know why,
this ocean is yours,
and mine:
the buttons,
the wheels,
the little
the fans
of feathery
love spreading
orange blossoms,
the cups, the knives,
the shears,
everything rests
in the handle, the contour,
the traces
of fingers,
of a remote hand
in the most forgotten regions of the ordinary obscured.
I pass through houses,
touching things;
I glimpse objects
and secretly desire
something because it chimes,
and something else because
because it is as yielding
as gentle hips,
something else I adore for its deepwater hue,
something else for its velvety depths.
Oh irrevocable
of things.
People will not
say that I only
or plants of the rainforest or meadow,
that I only
things that leap, rise, sigh and survive.
It is not true:
many things gave me completeness.
They did not only touch me
My hand did not merely touch them,
but rather,
they befriended
my existence
in such a way
that with me, they indeed existed,
and they were for me so full of life,
that they lived with me half-alive,
and they will die with me half-dead.
Translated by Maria Jacketti