Pablo Neruda -Soneto LXXI- |
martes, 12 de abril de 2005 |
Soneto LXXI
De pena en pena cruza sus islas el amor y establece raíces que luego riega el llanto, y nadie puede, nadie puede evadir los pasos del corazón que corre callado y carnicero.
Así tú y yo buscamos un hueco, otro planeta en donde no tocara la sal tu cabellera, en donde no crecieran dolores por mi culpa, en donde viva el pan sin agonía.
Un planeta enredado por distancia y follajes, un páramo, una piedra cruel y deshabitada, con nuestras propias manos hacer un nido duro,
queríamos, sin daño ni herida ni palabra, y no fue así el amor, sino una ciudad loca donde la gente palidece en los balcones.
Sonnet 71
Love crosses its islands, from grief to grief, it sets its roots, watered with tears, and no one--no one--can escape the heart's progress as it runs, silent and carnivorous
You and I search for a wide valley, for another planet where the salt wouldn't touch your hair, where sorrows couldn't grow because of anything I did, where bread could live and not grow old
A planet entwined with vistas and foliage, a plain, a rock, hard and unoccupied: we wanted to build a strong nest
with our own hands, without hurt or harm or speech, but love was not like that: love was a lunatic city with crowds of people blanching on their porchesEtiquetas: Pablo Neruda |
posted by Bishop @ 2:11  |
It's good to feel you are close to me in the night, love, invisible in your sleep, intently nocturnal, while I untangle my worries as if they were twisted nets.
Withdrawn, your heart sails through dream, but your body, relinquished so, breathes seeking me without seeing me perfecting my dream like a plant that seeds itself in the dark.
Rising, you will be that other, alive in the dawn, but from the frontiers lost in the night, from the presence and the absence where we meet ourselves,
something remains, drawing us into the light of life as if the sign of the shadows had sealed its secret creatures with flame.
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It's good to feel you are close to me in the night, love,
invisible in your sleep, intently nocturnal,
while I untangle my worries
as if they were twisted nets.
Withdrawn, your heart sails through dream,
but your body, relinquished so, breathes
seeking me without seeing me perfecting my dream
like a plant that seeds itself in the dark.
Rising, you will be that other, alive in the dawn,
but from the frontiers lost in the night,
from the presence and the absence where we meet ourselves,
something remains, drawing us into the light of life
as if the sign of the shadows had sealed
its secret creatures with flame.