Canción del naranjo seco
A Carmen Morales
Leñador. Córtame la sombra. Líbrame del suplicio de verme sin toronjas.
¿Por qué nací entre espejos? El día me da vueltas. Y la noche me copia en todas sus estrellas.
Quiero vivir sin verme. Y hormigas y vilanos, soñaré que son mis hojas y mis pájaros.
Leñador. Córtame la sombra. Líbrame del suplicio de verme sin toronjas.
Song of the barren orange tree To Carmen Morales
Woodcutter, Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment of seeing myself without fruit. Why was I born among mirrors? The day walks in circles around me, and the night copies me in all its stars. I want to live without seeing myself. And I will dream that ants and thistleburrs are my leaves and my birds Woodcutter. Cut my shadow from me. Free me from the torment of seeing myself without fruit.
Translated by W. S. MerwinEtiquetas: Federico García Lorca |
Song of the Barren Orange Tree
Cut out my shadow.
Free me from the torture
of seeing myself fruitless.
Why was I born among mirrors?
The daylight revolves around me.
And the night herself repeats me
in all her constellations.
I want to live not seeing self.
I shall dream the husks and insects
change inside my dreaming
into my birds and foliage.
Cut out my shadow.
Free me from the torture
of seeing myself fruitless.
Translated by A. S. Kline