José Martí -Verso XLII. En el extraño bazar...- |
sábado, 9 de julio de 2005 |
Verso XLII. En el extraño bazar...
En el extraño bazar Del amor, junto a la mar, La perla triste y sin par Le tocó por suerte a Agar.
Agar, de tanto tenerla Al pecho, de tanto verla Agar, llegó a aborrecerla: Majó, tiró al mar la perla.
Y cuando Agar, venenosa De inútil furia, y llorosa, Pidió al mar la perla hermosa, Dijo la mar borrascosa:
"¿Qué hiciste, torpe, qué hiciste De la perla que tuviste? La majaste, me la diste: Yo guardo la perla triste".
Verse XLII. Wandering through love's strange bazaar
Wandering through love's strange bazaar, Held by the seaside, not far, A sad pearl fair as a star By great luck fell to Agar.
Too long to her breast she pressed it And too long her eyes caressed it, That soon she came to detest it And dropped it as the sea crested.
The venomous Agar crying, Into a great rage then flying, From the sea the pearl tried prying, With the stormy sea replying:
"Why, fool, did you so soon discard The fairest pearl in all the world? Back to my depths the pearl you hurled, Now the sad pearl you spurned, I guard."Etiquetas: José Martí |
posted by Bishop @ 10:42  |