Soneto a la muerte de Torrijos y sus compañeros
Helos allí: junto a la mar bravía cadáveres están, ¡ay!, los que fueron honra del libre, y con su muerte dieron almas al cielo, a España nombradía.
Ansia de patria y libertad henchía sus nobles pechos que jamás temieron, y las costas de Málaga los vieron cual sol de gloria en desdichado día.
Españoles, llorad; mas vuestro llanto lágrimas de dolor y sangre sean, sangre que ahogue a siervos y opresores,
Y los viles tiranos, con espanto, siempre delante amenazando vean alzarse sus espectros vengadores.
Sonnet on the death of Torrijos and his companions
Behold them there: beside the sea so bold- -the corpses, ah! of men who were the brave and honored by the free. With death they gave their souls to heaven, and gave fame untold
to Spain, With love of home and freedom's fold to swell their fearless breasts' they crossed the wave and to the southern coasts they came, to save the land as Glory's sun... sad day of old!
So, Spaniards, weep, but may your tears yet be the tears of pain and tears of blood that rise in floods to drown oppressors, and their slaves,
and loathesome tyrants who with shock will see their foemen menacing before their eyes... as vengeful specters rising from their graves.
Translated by James H. DonalsonEtiquetas: José de Espronceda |